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Why Ash Wednesday?

The Lenten season quickly approaches and many Christians and churches tend to shy away from this beautiful season for a variety of reasons. At Storehouse Community Church, we wish to engage this season of the church calendar by asking ourselves a question: how do we, as the church, prepare our hearts for the approach and celebration of Easter? 

Certainly, we are not advocating that the lenten season is the only way to prepare our hearts, but we are saying that it is a wonderful opportunity.

Lent is a remarkable time in the history of the church and is a cultural value in the Rio Grande Valley. Here are a few thoughts on why we observe Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season:

1. Historical
Lenten is not a time or period that is found in the scriptures, but rather has been a historical tradition of the church where we evaluate biblical truths.

2. Confession of Sin and Repentance
Historically, Lent or Ash Wednesday, has been the 40 day period leading up to the celebration of Easter and in this time the church often reflects on our own mortality, the confession of our sins as we repent and turn to Jesus, and our hope of the Gospel. 

3.  Fasting
Unfortunately, many will view this season as a dietary opportunity rather than a time of worship. During Lent, fasting serves as a time to encounter God not necessarily your struggle with chocolate. 

In the 40 days leading up to Easter, the church has used this time to fast from certain foods, activities, and media as a reflection of Jesus' 40 day fast in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). The purpose of fasting isn't dietary, but worship and communion. 

4. Preparation
The Lenten season is a preparation for the grand celebration of Easter where Jesus conquered the grave and defeated Satan, sin, and the grave. It's a triumphant reminder of the return of our Lord, restoration, and that He will make all things new. 

The tradition of the Lenten season stretches back 2000 years and our participation is one of church history and devotion to personal growth and discipleship.

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:00 p.m. for our Ash Wednesday Service; hope to see you there! 

Journey to the Cross by Will Walker;
Why Bother with Lent? by Chuck Colson (Gospel Coalition);
Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope by Matthew McCullough