The church’s liturgical calendar is meant to help us examine a specific season in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. These seasons are to draw us closer to the person and work of Christ as we examine our hearts, reflect on His salvific work on the cross, and rejoice in the newness of life, and the life to come.


The season of lent focuses on Jesus fasting in the wilderness shortly after his baptism and at the start of his earthly ministry. As a church, we observe lent by encouraging fasting and reflection. We believe that the spiritual discipline of fasting reveals our hearts’ deepest appetite. The season asks the question: do we hunger for God as much as we hunger for food?


Paradox Wednesday is not found in the liturgical calendar. This is a day that we created in order to help prepare our congregation for the coming of Holy Week. Throughout the gospels, Jesus regularly tells his disciples of his coming betrayal, arrest, and ultimate crucifixion yet the disciples’ minds are on themselves. This day is simply a day of reflection as we prepare our heart and mind for Holy Week.


The triumphal entry – Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey as prophesied through the prophet Zacharaiah. The testimony of his entry is one of a king that the people did not know they needed. As the people worshiped the Lord Jesus, they believed he would bring about political redemption when in reality, this King would bring about reconciliation from man to God through His death.


God dies on a cross between two thieves and just before His death, He exclaims, “it is finished!” That is, the means by which sinners are reconciled to the Father has been accomplished through the death and work of Jesus on the cross. It is said that on the cross, the wrath of God was met with the grace of God.


Jesus is now buried, hope is lost, and fear is rampant among his disciples. In a day where the people of God believed to be one of great hopelessness as Jesus lay in His tomb, God was still at work. Holy Saturday reminds us that the silence of God does not mean that He is absent or not at work for the following day by the power and work of the Holy Spirit, the tomb was empty.


Jesus is risen! On the cross, Jesus defeated Satan, sin, and death. The resurrection of Jesus is the evidence of His victory in leaving sin and death in the grave. The resurrection of Jesus proclaims to sinners that Jesus is ready and willing to pardon any who turn to Him in faith and repentance. The resurrection of Jesus assures saints that death has lost his sting, the Holy Spirit dwells in them, and one day Jesus will return to claim His bride, the church.