Throughout the history of the church, the concept of change has been woven into the fabric denominations with everything from theological frameworks to culture and tradition forming and re-forming congregations. However, one thing that has remained the same are the core beliefs of the Christian faith. Tragically, many churches fall into the snare of spending too much time on what we disagree about and forget about the foundational truths on what it means to be a Christian.

Doxa is the Greek word for “glory” and we believe that when we learn and grow in our beliefs, we bring glory to God by learning more about Him as we grow deeper in His word and understanding. Through this course, we are going to walk through the central beliefs of historic, orthodox Christianity systematically through the Apostles’ Creed.

In this course, we’ll answer questions such as “Who is God?” and “What is the Gospel?” and “What is the church?” and how the answers to these questions, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures shape our everyday lives as followers of Jesus. This is a wonderful introductory course to Christian belief and theology.

Books: The Apostles’ Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits by Al Mohler
Duration: 10 weeks (6 in-person sessions with informal/digital engagements in between)
Class Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $30 (covers book and offset costs for course)

Session 1: January 17, 2024
Session 2: January 31, 2024
Session 3: February 14, 2024
Session 4: February 28, 2024
Session 5: March 13, 2024
Session 6: March 27, 2024

On weeks without formal class meetings, there will be opportunities for additional engagement (Q&A sessions, group discussions, etc).