Wednesday | Mark 11-16


Mark 11-16

The Gospel of Mark is a straightforward, wonderful work emphasizing the activity of Jesus during His ministry on earth. Beginning in Chapter 11, we are able to walk from the Triumphant Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to the Ascension. The procession of events reads like a river of activity to the culmination of Jesus’ ministry. It is easy to be swept along and realize just how busy Jesus was. We can see his hustle and immediately relate. Our lives are busy. Even during COVID-19, we are busy to fill our days with everything from new daily work rhythms to projects to complete around the house. Mark shows us how busy Christ was, but he also shows us something else. The peace Christ had in the midst of the chaotic. Even during the events of Holy Week, when Christ was tying up three years of ministry, experiencing betrayal, and teaching His last lessons to the early Church; Jesus found peace. 

The peace Jesus found was not in distraction or idols, but rather, in community and prayer. He reclined with friends (14:3), relaxed outside with his disciples (13:3), and prayed in a quiet place (14:32). We see these rhythms and can easily forget the foreknowledge Jesus had of what was to come. Jesus knew that within a short time He would experience terrible pain, betrayal, and death. Yet, He found peace. 

We are quick to absorb ourselves in the daily grind and forget the peace God offers us. We can focus on stress, fear of COVID-19, anxiety born from quarantine, loss of wages and business, and all the other things pressing in on you from life. God offers tranquility born from the relationship we have with the Father. Jesus models this peace perfectly within the events of Holy Week.

Spend time today praying for peace in your mind and heart and thank Him for such a precious and lavish gift of grace.

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