Tuesday | Matthew 5:8


The Pure in Heart | Matthew 5:8

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” 

The Bible speaks of the human heart over 800 times and we tend to hashtag pictures and posts concerning our hearts several more million times. In our time, the heart is often referred to as our guide concerning emotions, decisions, and well-being. There are even several expressions that we use in order to confirm our belief about the heart. For instance, have you ever heard the saying “let’s get to the heart of the matter” or “follow your heart.” One refers to the main point or foundation of discussion while the other one suggests listening to your heart for guidance. 

Beliefs and expressions about our heart, apart from Christ, teach us several things. One is that we are looking for revelation within ourselves. The problem is, as John Calvin wrote, “the heart is an idol factory.” In other words, the heart is at the center of a person and their character so if we’re honest, our hearts are terrible at giving us advice. Further, the Bible teaches that apart from Christ, our hearts are at war with God. They are in opposition to God and the people of God.

However, the Bible teaches us that there is a way for our hearts to become pure and that is through faith in Christ alone and through repentance of our sin. In addition to pardon, the repentant sinner receives a new heart at conversion. That is, one goes from being an enemy of God to now friends with God, from lost to found, and from orphan to a son or a daughter. This is called justification, where we are declared right with God on the basis of Jesus’ work done for us. In short, our status is now changed. 

When our status changes, our minds are renewed because our hearts are new. For the Christian, they have union with God through Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in them. So, if you’re a Christian, then the work of the Holy Spirit in you draws you closer to Christ while at the same time that you put your sin to death. 

A pure heart doesn't mean that you are perfect, it means that you have been made new. The decision to follow your heart isn’t governed by my own understanding, but the work of the Holy Spirit in me for the glory of God and my good.

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